參賽資格: 參賽者必須為香港居民。
Eligibility: The competitions are opened to HK residents only.
比賽等級: 比賽按樂器及級別分組,小提琴及鋼琴各設有 8 個比賽級別。
Grades: The competitions will be grouped by instruments and difficulties. Piano Grade 1 to 8 ; Violin Grade 1 to 8.
比賽曲目: 參賽者可從維也納音樂考試局或其他音樂考試機構之曲目中選取一首符合其級別之曲目參賽。本屆特別容許參賽者使用 2020 年度校際音樂節分級鋼琴獨奏 (100-130) 及分級小提琴獨奏 (210-217) 項目之比賽樂曲參賽。
Repertoire: The participant should choose 1 piece of the corresponding grade from the Vienna Music Examination Board (VMEB) or other music examination authorities’ syllabus. This year we included set pieces from the Violin Solos (100-130) and the Piano Solos (210-217) of the 2020 Music Festival.
比賽形式: 參賽者須錄影一段由參賽者本人演奏相關參賽級別曲目之影片,不經修改下,以 YouTube 私人連結 (Unlisted) 上載。把連結,連同填妥之報名表格,身份證明文件及相關之報名費用付款證明 (存款收據/入數紙/ 轉賬証明/網上轉賬確認頁面之螢幕截圖) 拍照或掃瞄,電郵到維也納音樂考試局駐港辦公室。
Competition Flow: Participants are required to upload an unedited performance video of their own to YouTube as an unlisted video. Submit the link together with the application form, ID copy and payment record of application fee (scan, photo or screen capture) to the VMEB International Exam Administration Office by e-mail.
比賽評審團: 參賽片段將會由維也納音樂考試局之認證考官 (Certified Examiner) 組成之評審團委員評分。
Judging Panel: VMEB Certified Examiners
獎項: 評分為 5 分制,1 分最高,並細分為 1+, 1 及 1- ,分別可奪得冠軍,亞軍,及季軍獎狀。獲 2 分者可獲發優異獎狀。獲 3 分者可獲發參賽證書。每名冠軍、亞軍及季軍均可獲本會贊助之維也納音樂考試局樂器等級考試現金獎 HKD200 (只適用於報考時扣除考試費用,有效日期至 2020年12月31日,以報名日期為準。) 提名五位或以上參賽者的樂器導師 / 學校 / 音樂學院可獲發感謝獎狀。
Prizes and Awards: The competition video will be graded with a scale of 1 to 5, with one being the best, variate with suffix + and – . Participants receiving 1+, 1 and 1- will be awarded Champion, 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up respectively, and will be awarded a cash coupon of HK$200 for enroll to a VMEB Music Examination (valid through 31/12/2020). Participants receiving 2 will be awarded merit certificates. A certificate of participation will be issued to participants receiving 3. A certificate of appreciation will be awarded to music-teachers who nominated 5 or more applicants.
報名及錄影連結遞交日期: 即日起至 2020 年 3 月 31 日
成績公佈日期: 2020 年 4 月 30 日
Application and Video Submission: before 31 March 2020
Announcement of Results: 30 April 2020
HK$300 (一般參賽者適用)
HK$240 (維也納音樂考試局認證音樂中心學生適用)
Application Fee:
HK$300 (For General Public)
HK$240 (For Students of the Vienna Music Examination Board Certified Music Learning Centres)
報名表格 Application Form: bit.ly/vmeb_vpc_2020 資料下載 Leaflet Download: bit.ly/vmeb_vpc_inf
請瀏覽 Facebook 專頁 Please visit: fb.me/vmeb.org
查詢電郵 admin@vmeb.org 電話 +852 3168 1583
For enquiries, please e-mail admin@vmeb.org or by phone +852 3168 1583